4/16/22 - Who Needs Real Pots and Plants When You Can Purchase Pottery eNFTs Instead

I've got something that you might want. No, it’s not all the plants and pottery.

I already know you f*¢%!ng need those.

But for a fresh change of pace, why not try something else you might want to buy:

Electronic needlessly-fungible tokens.

I'm calling them eNFTs for short. eNFTs. They’re digital, and you don’t need them. They feature pottery, and they’re super f*¢%!ng cute.

Come on down to my place of business in North Denver to purchase pottery eNFTs and needlessly exchange fungible tokens like currency for fun tokens of your appreciation, like printed photos from time on premises.

You might be bored with token Bored Monkey or CryptoPunk art work, but have you seen the token shopkeep running this place? No? Exactly. Get an eNFT with you and him in the same frame holding a plant or a planter or something.

Give me $7 and Rudy will take a photo with his smartphone, we’ll plug into a printer, and you can walk out with a one-of-a-kind, needlessly fungible asset for your collection. Seven dollars. We can even cut out your printed eNFT into a cool heart shape or something.

It’ll be super f*¢%!ng cute and you need it.

Never worry about carrying pottery all willy nilly again with pseudo digital pottery, in the form of a vintage mapquestesque print out. One of one. You control all the rights. Even the right to combine with fluid for irreversible content encryption.

Allegedly I also sell standard analog pottery, which is true, and plants as well; the typical photosynthetic kinds. Find these in North Denver, off Highway 36 and the Pecos Exit, weekends only, Saturdays and Sundays, 1030 to 530, forever.

Message me for the address:

<< 909 >> << 744 >> << 7708 >>

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You might be asking, who is Rudy, and how can I give somebody $7 so that he’ll take my picture? Well rest assured Nosey Nancy, and breathe easy Keyboard Warrior Keith Worrywart, I’ll tell you all about this neat trick when you come to the North Denver pot shop and shop for pots plus stop for a quick eNFT with me and your main man Rudy. Seven dollars.

Eleven dollars says you’ve never even seen a pottery wholesale / retail business like mine in person, with bundle discounts, the best prices, and the widest selection, let alone how crunk and ridiculous your eNFT can be for just seven dollars, but you tell me.

Tell me TLDR, or express that you just can’t read so much text, and I’ll text you back iterating that IDGAF, as evidenced by this exploratory concept you should give me $7 for but probably won’t.

But they’ve said you won’t before, and look at you now.

Looking to free / your mine? Mine freebies include free hookups for every customer pretty much, but things like broken pots, f*¢%ed up ceramics, trash panda sausages, garbage a racoon would refuse, shards, pottery shards, banter, rhetoric, little boxes for your purchases, cardboard for whatever, a postman who’s down for whatever, whatever plant rescues there are on hand, a handful of nursery pots, enough cuttings to start a nursery of your own eNFTs, and, of course,

Pottery Jargon ( p.Jargon):

Pot humor — you’ve craved it for so long, but, alas, I avert every Golden opportunity, whether a little joke here or there would pull your patronage from Broomfield, Northglenn, or Loveland or not. It should be known that yes, I love succulents, and I’m one to plant search engine content to sell more plants, terracotta for your plant stand, and contents for the estate sale when you croak. Your cactus deserves Superior ceramics people of Brighton, Castle Rock, Louisville, and so on; more so than anyone who hates to read deserves this p. jargon while they read on about my stoneware, Wheat Ridge rhetoric, and about being the top pottery holder from Fort Collins to the full extent of the Front Range. Want enough green to fill a greenhouse? Sell me your authentic mcm porcelain city of Littleton (I’m looking for Gainey). So look at every garage sale as you’re fishing for philodendron friendly ceramics in Westminster or Commerce City, and remember this jargon, pottery barn, and the gardens you could better with a planter made of red clay stored just south west of Thornton, north east of Arvada, and a little ways from Longmont. Love a cacti tree just like me? Let’s cement our friendship with a monstera and with you running to Sherrelwood this weekend. You won’t find a vegetable box, unless you’re into fiber concrete cubes, but you could do worse than driving 5-35 minutes from Federal Heights, Lakewood, Greeley, Erie, Boulder, or Centennial to grab some new garden pots. F*¢% your Aurora yard sale. When it comes to ceramic planters, I’m the Peter Parker of pottery, here to help your trees, gardener, whether you grow aloe, or just want to avoid the price hiking some common in Denver pottery. If you’re succulent gardening, come see what I have climbing.

Unfiltered p. Jargon:

pot, Golden, Broomfield, Northglenn, Loveland, succulents, plant, plants, plant stand, terracotta, estate sale, cactus, Superior, Brighton, Castle Rock, Louisville, stoneware, Wheat Ridge, holder, Fort Collins, green greenhouse, mcm, porcelain, Littleton, garage sale, fishing, philodendron, jargon, pottery barn, Westminster, ceramics, Commerce City, gardens, planter, red clay, Thornton, Arvada, cacti, tree, cement, Longmont, monstera, running, vegetable box, Federal Heights, Lakewood, Greeley, Erie, Boulder, Centennial, garden, pots, Aurora, yard sale, ceramic, planters, Parker, trees, gardener, grow aloe, hiking, pottery, succulent, Denver, gardening, climbing,

*** Who Needs Real Pots and Plants When You Can Purchase Pottery eNFTs Instead ***

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